Eyes of a Child
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电影类型:2005-08-02(美国) | 短片 冒险 奇幻 | 美国
导演:Delphine Suter|
主演:Samantha Hyland|Nicholas Maccarone|Maya Bakrim|Juan de la Rosa|Savannah Elder|
导演:Delphine Suter|
主演:Samantha Hyland|Nicholas Maccarone|Maya Bakrim|Juan de la Rosa|Savannah Elder|
"Eyes of a Child" is a film that explores the imagination of Beatrice, an awkward little girl. An avid reader, Beatrice immerses herself in the books she is reading, often blending the lines between real-life and stories. Through her imagination, the audience is allowed a glimpse at reality through the eyes of a child. Written by Delphine Suter