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The Fanimatrix: Run Program

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:2003-09-27(新西兰) | 动作 科幻 短片 | 新西兰
导演:Rajneel Singh|
主演:Steven A. Davis|Fasitua Amosa|Vaughan Beckley|Farrah Lipsham|Mike Edward|

Two rebels - Dante & Medusa - working off the Zion ship "The Descartes" enter the virtual reality prison world of the Matrix to retrieve top-secret information. In order to escape the unstoppable Agents of the Matrix, they devise a plan known as the "Run Program". One rebel breaks into the target building and hacks their systems for the information while the other picks a fight in a bar and creates a distraction to draw the attention of the Agents. However things start to not work out exactly the way they had planned... e9a Written by Anonymous

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