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电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:2004-10-18(美国) | 喜剧 短片 | 美国
导演:Brad Stabio|Jeff Kosloski|
主演:Jeff Kosloski|Michael O'Shea|Lisa Rosenhagen|Dave Shirley|

In this hilarious parody of the indie hit Memento, two roommates -- Kyle Franks and Dan Mozeman -- sit on a futon. That's what they do, and they're extremely good at it. While sitting there, they watch channel 53, eat pizza and chips, and smoke a ridiculous amount of marijuana. One day, however, they discover that their treasured Kind Bud is missing. Someone has stolen it and, in an apparent attempt to taunt the two of them, has left a clue as to the whereabouts of their stash: a photo of some strangely familiar mountains. Was it Kyle's hot girlfriend Patty? Or perhaps their landlord who mysteriously shows up looking for the rent? Whomever it was, Kyle and Dan vow to find them and make them pay. So they begin a journey filled with assumption, deception and consumption. The difficulty, however, in locating the missing weed is complicated by the fact that Kyle and Dan have completely burned out their short-term memories. What is said or done right now is of little consequence, because in a few minutes they won't remember a damn thing. ea4 Written by Jeff Kosloski

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