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电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:2005-08-22(美国) | 短片 | 美国
导演:Parker Davidson|
主演:Laura Sanders|Daniel Frysh|Robert Lamb|Kendall Brennen|Rachael Craw|

Every rock star claims that music will save your soul, but what if you're hiding behind it? 'Sometimes' is the story about a girl named Charlotte. For the past several years, Charlotte can't separate her own real emotions from other people's music in her head. She withdraws from the world, only expressing herself in lines from pop music. The main reason for her withdraw is a failed relationship in the past she still can't get over and refuses to deal with. Even under the influence of a drug, she still finds herself unable to separate the real world from imagining herself in a music video. 'Sometimes' covers the day after a drug experience and her final realization about whose words are the most important to her. Written by Parker Davidson

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