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Okno v Parizh

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:1994-02-13(德国) | 奇幻 喜剧 | 俄罗斯 法国
导演:Yuri Mamin|
主演:Agnès Soral|Sergei Dontsov|Viktor Mikhaylov|Nina Usatova|Kira Krejlis-Petrova|

Nikolai (played by Sergei Dontsov) has been fired from his job as a music teacher and has to live in the gym until he finds a place to stay. Finally, he gets a communal room in the apartment of Gorokhov (Victor Mikhalkov). The room's previous inhabitant, an old lady, has died a year ago, and yet her cat, Maxi, is still in the locked room, healthy and fat. Soon, Nikolai and his neighbours discover the mystery: there is a window to Paris in the room. That's when the comedy begins - will the Russians be able to cope with the temptation to profit from the discovery? c7a Written by Dragomir R. Radev Pietroburgo. Nikolai, insegnante di estetica scopre, in compagnia degli operai con cui coabita, che attraverso una finestra dei tetti di casa si arriva a....Parigi ! Le incursioni dei russi nella città delle luci e della ricchezza provoca scompiglio in famiglia, anche quando la dirimpettaia parigina, attraversando per sbaglio la porta, si ritrova a....Pietroburgo, in vicoli angusti e desolanti. Nell'animo di tutti si compone un difficile dilemma...... Written by rosebud6

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