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电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:1995-02-22(美国) | 捷克
主演:Radek Holub|Alena Mihulová|Valerie Zawadská|Antonín Molcík|Karel Augusta|

Adam is a young farmer. As a child, fleeing the bleak reality of his mother's life as a prostitute, he tumbled from a mountain and was mentally injured. Years later, his mother is dying, so Adam sells their only cow to pay for medicine. Rosa, a beautiful young maid, fleeing the sexual exploitation of a wealthy butcher, climbs up to join them on their remote farm and dares to become part of Adam's world. A cycle of life begins again, in a remote turn-of-the-century village tied to the land and its animals. Written by Fiona Kelleghan

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