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Perquè de tot plegat, El

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:1995-01-18(西班牙) | 喜剧 | 西班牙
主演:路易斯·霍马|Pepa López|Álex Casanovas|Mercè Arànega|Paca Barrera|

"How shall I go about establishing contact?" The question is asked by the main character in the film's prologue, where a man is trying to teach a stone to speak. "You can if you want to, it is not difficult, make an effort!", he hisses to the stubborn stone which remains silent. Barcelona is the setting for this Mediterranean comedy. It consists of a number of separate episodes. Each episode has a title - Will-power, Wisdom, Honesty, Sincerity, Submission, Competition, Passion, Consensus, Egocentricism, Spite, Desire, Jealousy, Love, Trust and Doubt - each illustrated by an story where content and form go hand in hand. Written by Niklas Olsson Showing 15 different experiences of people Ventura Pons indicates all the contradictions, doubts, frustration, lonleyness and desorientation of modern man. Written by Volker Boehm Barcelona is the setting for this acidic Mediterranean comedy. It consists of a number of separate episodes. Each episode has a title - Will-power,Wisdom, Honesty, Sincerity, Submission, Competition, Passion, Consensus, Egocentricism, Spite, Desire, Jealousy, Love, Trust and Doubt - each illustrated by an intelligently staged story where content and form go hand in hand. Fifteen miniature short stories which create a kind of post-modern tableaux vivants where the frustrating self-absorption of the Catalonian bourgeoisie is depicted with a discreet malevolence and charm. Written by Anonymous