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Aamne Samne

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:1982-01-29(印度) | 动作 | 印度
导演:Ashim S. Samanta|
主演:米特胡恩·查克拉博蒂|Aarti Geeta|Tarun Ghosh|Bindiya Goswami|Arti Gupta|

Gopi is a simple-minded and honest individual who lives in a small town in India with his grandmother. When he finds out that he is being asked to sow opium in the fields instead of crops, he asks the other laborers to rally with him and force their employer to change his tactics, which results in his losing his job. He decides to go to Bombay city and try to re-establish his life. Upon arrival, he loses all his belongings, and ends up on the steps of a temple, being befriended by a young child who thinks Gopi is his dad. Gopi takes in the child and both try to find to make ends meet. Then one day Gopi is approached by an attractive young woman named Jyoti, who calls him "Johny" and asks him to perform some dance and music numbers in exchange of food, to which he agrees. Gopi does not know that by doing this he has opened up a Pandora's box for himself, and will soon be on the run, not only from the police, the Central Bureau of Investigation, but also from gangsters owing allegiance to the mighty international don named Supremo - who believes that Gopi has a stolen item worth millions. Written by rAjOo (gunwanti@hotmail.com) Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis

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