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Eis bricht, Das

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:2006-01-19(奥地利) | 灾难 | 奥地利
导演:Falk Schweikhardt|
主演:Tatjana Alexander|Sabine Friesz|Simon Hatzl|Daniel Keberle|Andreas Lust|

A cold winter afternoon at a lake in Lower Austria. Two kids break into the ice and for almost half an hour lie at the bottom of the lake. As if by a miracle, they are rescued and reanimated. Their state of health even can be stabilized in the intensive care unit. However, the doctors only have little hope that they will ever awake from the coma. The relationship of Alexandra and Stefan - the children's parents - seems not to withstand the strong emotional conflict that evolved after the accident. The mother starts a very lonely fight for the life of Jo and Sophie. Through the incredibly strong mental connection to her kids, the mother manages to emerge into their world - a world of water and light. But the struggle between live and death gets harder and harder and soon it is obvious that the mother alone will not win this fight. 2e Written by Anonymous

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