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电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:2004-01-04(瑞典) | 纪录 | 瑞典
导演:Astrid Ohlsén|
主演:Johan Fagerudd|Yasmine Garbi|Richard Ulfsäter|

"Gunstlingen" meaning "the kings favourite". The documentary tells the life and times of Gustav Mauritz Armfelt (1757-1814) a member of king Gustaf III´s court. Had a brilliant career as the head of culture, the royal theatres and Swedish academy. Quickly raced to the top both politically and militarily. An eccentric and aggressive character. His relationship to Miss Magdalena Rudenschöld remains one of the most passionate in Swedish history. An extraordinary persons portrayal, from a nobody to one of Swedens most powerful men, in such short time. Written by Richard Ulfsater