导演:Teale Failla|
主演:Mariah Helfrich|Cynthia Kern|Poppi Kramer|Mindy Seegal|Carlos L. Torres|
Through intersecting timelines, Open traces the demise of a seemingly stable relationship between two smart twenty-something women. New York gay underground culture provides the backdrop for this story that breaks typical stereotypes pitting lesbians as either serially monogamous sexless bores who can't adopt enough children or dildo hungry nymphos. The story begins with the result of Sam and Gabby's breakup and flows backward to reveal a third woman in the mix and a twist ending one would never suspect. Not until the last line of the film do all the pieces fit together, revealing the true reason for the breakup. Open not only tells the story of a modern triadic relationship, it also provides comic social commentary on a topic relevant to any romance: can an open relationship ever really work? Written by Anonymous