Dusk & Shadow: The Mystery of Be...
导演:Mark Wade Stone|
In the city of Cleveland, ten-year-old Beverly Potts left her parents' West Side home with her best friend Patsy a short time before sunset. It was an August evening in 1951, and Halloran Park was just a three-minute walk away, where neighborhood children were singing and dancing in an old fashioned Showagon performance for a thousand people or more. Her mother had been a dancer and her father was a stagehand in Cleveland's theater district. They understood Beverly's love of show business, and her wish to stay - even though it would be after dark - for the end of the show. But Patsy had to be back, and left her friend at the park. That Friday night, Beverly Potts vanished without a trace and the case has not been solved to this day. Beverly's imprint remains, her appealing face and inscrutable eyes made more and more indelible by time. With every clue that has emerged in the half-century since she disappeared, she has returned as young and as vulnerable as ever in the hearts and minds of Clevelanders, some of who search for Beverly to this day. eaa Written by Mark Wade Stone