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"Culture choc"

电影 𝄐 0
电影类型:纪录 | 加拿大
导演:Dominic Desjardins|Maryse Legagneur|
主演:Gregory Charles|

Culture Shock is a television series broadcast on CBC Newsworld (English) and on RDI/Radio-Canada (French). The award-winning program deals with cultural diversity in Canada. Culture Shock is seen in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America on TV5. A show about discovery and exploration. -  Discovering the lifestyles and values that make up Canada's cultural diversity. -  Exploring little known corners of Canada, and meeting great characters. A group of bilingual young Canadians, from all regions of Canada, trade places and experience the reality of living in a different milieu. Equipped with small video cameras they travel across the country, filming their own stories, and reporting on their culture shocks in English for Newsworld, and in French for RDI. As they explore new cultures and lifestyles, they learn to appreciate the differences that make each part of Canada unique. Tune-in to Culture Shock and discover the true meaning of cultural diversity. e7c Written by Producer