四大门派 清朝达固伦亲王(陈星)为称霸武林,派各路高手(洪金宝扮演其中之一)到处抢夺武功秘笈。达固伦先命金钹法王(洪金宝扮演)夺昆仑派的“大极两仪剑谱”,掌门古振风不从,力据之,无奈战败致死,其子小虎带剑谱逃跑。小虎偶遇普慧大师(超级高手,太厉害了),得其帮助,金钹法王一伙被打的屁滚尿流,但金施计弄盲普慧 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
饕餮功 清廷御厨饕餮公, 精通制作满汉全席, 得获盛名! 在其掌管御厨期间, 遭奸人所害; 惨被逐出宫外, 永不录用. 他心灰意冷地离开京城返回故乡, 却竟发现全家惨遭杀害. 只有小孙儿幸免获救, 他伤心之余携同孙儿离乡别井, 隐居于一僻静小村, 把孙儿养大成人, 更传授绝世奇功 "饕餮功" 公孙两人能否合 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
勇冠万军 In Indiana of the early 1800s, conflict once again arises between the United States and Great Britain over territory and boundaries. Each side endeavo ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
Separated by Murder Inseparable Alabama twin sisters, Betty Gay Wilson and Peggy Joy Lowe, are arrested and tried for conspiring to murder Betty's wealthy husband. These ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
Drive-by Shooting This documentary tells about crimes in Fort Worth, Texas during two months in 1994. While driving by locations near or similar the crime scenes, polic ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
D.A.R.E. to Keep Kids Off Drugs San Francisco Giants' Third Baseman, Matt Williams, a Carson City High School graduate, talks with students of the D.A.R.E. program about drugs in spo ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
妙探出差3 黑人干探艾素被派遣调查一宗谋杀案,在侦查时他发现一连串不寻常的线索,其中更涉及比华利山上的一个大型游乐场的主人。为了查明真相,艾素不惜找回当年曾合作破案的干探比利,直闯游乐场冲破重重障碍后,与此案主谋拼个你死我活。 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
瓶装火箭 1994年,新晋导演Wes Anderson与Wilson兄弟拍摄的一部13分钟短片,后获著名制片人James Brooks支持,1996年拍摄了92分钟同名版本。 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #