Revenge of the Drunken Master Accidentally discovering the operations of the Blood Ninja gangsters, a mischievous young man masters the skills of the Drunk Fist and proceeds to fig ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
Khon liang chang Chai, a forestry official, tells a campfire tale about his first days on the job and why he believes the forest is protected by an elephant's spirit. ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
独臂刀 为救大侠齐如丰献身的仆人方诚留下儿子方刚,齐如丰收养方刚并传授其武艺,并想立他为掌门。齐如丰的女儿齐佩爱慕方刚,方刚无意,就联合师兄与方刚比武,比武中他们暗算方刚。方刚右臂被砍断,负伤逃走。少女小蛮救下方刚,小蛮的父亲留下秘籍《左手图谱》,方刚正好用上,练成左手神刀。仇家笑面二郎和长臂神魔向齐如丰复 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #