"Enfants du feu, Les" 100,000 Years Before our Time... Held responsible for the loss of their tribe s source of fire, Artor and his brother galil are banished. With three o ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
"The Wedding Race" Five couples were each given colors to represent their team - Team Green, Team Orange, Team Black, Team Red and Team Orange. During the competitions, ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
"Cram" Two teams of two contestants, each of whom had been isolated in separate study chambers and kept awake for 24 hours, compete in this general knowledge ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
战壕里的希望 一战中,德法两方在一次战斗后,双方各只剩下几个人,双方都不愿再打,又是组织球赛又是一起吃饭的……后来德军援军到来,德方那几个士兵不忍杀害法国那几个人,都被抓了起来…… ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #