Surface Calm One morning Ellen Perry, a nervous housewife, finds an old chain that triggers a series of attacks against herself as she slowly loses her grip on rea ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
布努艾尔和所罗门王的圆桌 Toledo in the 30s: The godfather of cinematic surrealism, Luis Buñuel, the poet Federico Garcia Loca and the painter Salvador Dalí are on a ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
X战记 《X》在世纪末的舞台上,人类的命运和世界的存亡将取决于天之龙与地之龙的对决。一个名叫神威的少年是一切的关键所在,但是在他做出选择之后,等待他的却是更为残酷的现实。“命运”是本作之中出现最为频繁的词汇,似乎每个人都背负着不幸。孩提的时候,神威说要保护小鸟,而封真说,就由我来保护你,长大后,在神威做出选 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
"Sakura tsûshin" Urara likes Touma. Touma likes Meiko. Meiko might like Touma, but Meiko will only date a college boy. So what's an under achiever like Touma to do? We ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
暇碌情人 两人素昧平生,亦没有多少共通之处,竟然在一瞬间堕入爱河。皮亚是一个即兴剧团的团长,幽默风趣。嘉娜结婚八年,有两名子女;两人同场出现,一个娱人,一个被娱。曲终人散,嘉娜错过了火车时间,毫不在意便搭上了皮亚的顺风车。兴之所至,随团出发,为他人的幸福婚宴助兴。她和皮亚日久生情,心中萌起拋夫弃子的念头, ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #