城市星象 当恒星和行星掠过圣保罗的天空,播撒着它们的魔法,男男女女都在想着自己内心中的愿望。已婚而寂寞的Gil;玩火不计后果的 Lydia; 生就一颗女人心的 Josialdo;一心希望能在生活中做的更完美的 Mônica;在夜间的电台节目中占星家 Teca 会回答许多匿名听众的问题,也透过自 ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
Abismos de pasión Gone several years, the brooding Alejandro returns to the hacienda of his foster sister, Catalina, whom he loves, to find her married to the wealthy a ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #
A Casa de Alice Alice, married for the last 20 years to a taxi driver, works in a beauty parlour, has three children, the eldest of whom is doing his military service ◶2024-04-16 20:53:12 𝄐0 #