版本一: 这次我们看到了弗利萨的哥哥——古拉。悟空也以超级赛亚人的形态出现。古拉和他的部下来地球是为他弟弟的死报仇。他与弗利萨很相似,不过他能四次变身,所以要比弗利萨强许多。不过古拉敌不过超级赛亚人孙悟空。最后古拉放出能够毁灭地球的能量球,被悟空挡回。 版本二: 那美克星一役,宇宙最大恶棍
Carl J. Sukenick is the commander of a branch of the CIA, battling terrorists with martial arts, while his dad keeps watch in the security center. Nea
Sketches. We see human crash tests: a human hits a wall at five miles per hour, 50 mph, and 3000. A woman kisses a man as he listens to his Walkman; t